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Pain relief nutritional supplement diet antioxidant -

21-12-2016 à 14:20:13
Pain relief nutritional supplement diet antioxidant
, and Kremer, L. , Hatzichristou, D. View abstract. Kamat, C. , Hind, D. W. , Bhaskar, A. Mezzetti, M. Street, D. , Marcellini, M. , Stemmermann, G. L. However, in contrast, vitamin E might decrease the chance of having a less severe stroke called an ischemic stroke. , Huttunen, J. Taking vitamin E (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) by mouth does not appear to prevent the progression of atherosclerosis. , Almendingen, K. Vitamin E also does not seem to prevent the condition from becoming worse. , Makino, I. Protective role of selenium against hepatitis B virus and primary liver cancer in Qidong. View abstract. , McGrath, J. Applying vitamin E to the skin, together with vitamin C and melatonin, provides some protection when used before UV exposure. , Wong, G. , Harju, E. , Leone, B. Vitamin C and vitamin E in pregnant women at risk for pre-eclampsia (VIP trial): randomised placebo-controlled trial. , ARMITAGE, P. , Caballeria, J. A. It is not known if taking vitamin E alone decreases the effectiveness of some medications used for lowering cholesterol. D. , and Keil, U. , Zambon, P. Ricciarelli, R. , and De, Leeuw, I. , Milton, R. Ito, Y. , Parpinel, M. , Sattar, N. Sultana, N. Taking vitamin E by mouth with the drug pentoxifylline seems to treat fibrosis caused by radiation. D. View abstract. Tzonou, A. View abstract. E. However, it might reduce the risk of cancer in men, although evidence is conflicting. , and Trichopoulos, D. Message Boards Connect with people like you, and get expert guidance on living a healthy life. , Sasaki, K. , Murphy, L. Some research suggests that vitamin E improves blood sugar control. Garbagnati, F. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in patients with diabetic retinopathy. , and Park, B. A. , and Wolk, A. , Korpela, H. , and Omar, M. Some evidence suggests that taking vitamin E, alone or together with other vitamins or antioxidants, does not prevent the development or progression of cataracts. View abstract. , Millikan, R. Antioxidant nutrient intake and diabetic retinopathy: the San Luis Valley Diabetes Study. K. Rajasekhar, D. , and Shennan, A. Effects of zinc and antioxidant on visual function of patients with age-related macular degeneration. Research shows that taking vitamin E by mouth does not benefit newborn infants with a lung condition called bronchopulmonary dysplasia. , and Andrews, C. Taking vitamin E along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. M. , De, Stefani E. Relation of vitamin C levels to mortality in a geriatric hospital: a study of the effect of vitamin C administration. Vitamin E might increase how quickly the liver breaks down some medications. , Sundaram, G. , and Franconi, F. However, some research suggests that taking a combination of vitamins E and C daily reduces the risk of high blood pressure in high risk women when started in weeks 16 to 22 of pregnancy. View abstract. The cancer-protective benefits of citrus fruits have long been talked about. H. , Taylor, P. , and Sherzai, A. , Liu, Y. , and Shy, K. J. Y. , Sun, G. Li, G. An eye condition called retinitis pigmentosa: All-rac-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic vitamin E) 400 IU seems to speed vision loss in people with retinitis pigmentosa. , Li, R. Q. P. Wang, Q. Neupane, B. , Weidinger, F. Treatment with antioxidant and other nutrients in combination with chemotherapy and irradiation in patients with small-cell lung cancer. Giving vitamin E to premature infants does not have a beneficial effect on the abnormal breakdown of red blood cells. Nakayama, A. Jansson, L. K. P. Bleeding disorders: Vitamin E might make bleeding disorders worse. F. However, vitamin E does not appear to be beneficial when taken alone. Stevic Z, Nikolic A Blagojevic DP Saicic ZS Kocev NI Apostolski SA Spasic MB. View abstract. , Luhrs, C. , Demirkasimoglu, T. L. , Stahelin, H. , and Virtamo, J. Launoy, G. , Manson, J. , and Huber, K. , Thompson, D. , Ricciuti, M. , Garuz, F. , Demos, L. , Koyama, M. Vitamin E supplementation and macular degeneration: randomised controlled trial. Pamuk, G. , Gerard, A. High dose vitamin E therapy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis as add-on therapy to riluzole: results of a placebo-controlled double-blind study. , Potter, J. I. D. , Kulig, J. View abstract. Manny, T. View abstract. , vanGilder, P. , Tamakoshi, A. , De, Martino A. Taking vitamin E by mouth for 12 weeks does not seem to improve heart function in people with heart failure. R. , Ninomiya, T. Trefan, L. , Lagiou, P. Other research suggests that higher vitamin E intake in the diet is linked to a reduced risk of diabetes. , Chung, M. S. , Saibaba, K. C. Ronco, A. However, some other research suggests that it does not improve symptoms, but may prevent symptoms from worsening. Jensen, M. Sinha, S. Wagdi, P. , Van, Gaal L. View abstract. , Craig, J. , and Grimley, Evans J. , Puntoni, M. , Nyren, O. J. , Guo, W. N. , and Li, W. , Virtanen, M. Risk of angina pectoris and plasma concentrations of vitamins A, C, and E and carotene. P. Tornwall, M. View abstract. X. C. V. View abstract. , Abe, T. V. T. , Eizaguirre, X. It is found in many foods including vegetable oils, cereals, meat, poultry, eggs, fruits, vegetables, and wheat germ oil. D. F. , Sagai, M. , and Schenker, S. , Cho, B. More evidence is needed to rate vitamin E for these uses. , Williamson, K. H. A. Woodson, K. , Gurung, T. , and Dorey, F. Salonen, J. G. , Cohen, R. A. M. A. , and Wang, M. , Nyren, O. , Lorell, B. View abstract. B. , and Evans, A. , Jordan, P. Prospective study of plasma carotenoids and tocopherols in relation to risk of ischemic stroke. Infants and children: Vitamin E is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. Hense, H. Nutrients and gastric cancer risk. E. Taking vitamin E (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol) daily during radiation therapy and for 3 years after the end of therapy does not seem to reduce the risk of head and neck cancer recurrence. Diabetes: Vitamin E might increase the risk for heart failure in people with diabetes. , Boreham, J. Safeguard Your Health with a Handful of Nuts. Some people use vitamin E for treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels including hardening of the arteries, heart attack, chest pain, leg pain due to blocked arteries, and high blood pressure. , and Oski, F. , and Huttunen, J. View abstract. H. , Fischer, H. Lockwood, K. Johnson, S. The name the diet goes by changes—Atkins, Zone, South. People with diabetes should avoid high doses of vitamin E. , and Hakkarainen, J. L. , Pellegrini, F. , Davies, J. J. Marniemi, J. , Poston, L. B. , Savoia, M. , Li, B. View abstract. Ascorbic acid supplementation and five year survival rates in women with early breast cancer. , and Huttunen, J. , and Annibale, B. A. and Plakogiannis, R. View abstract. For preventing high blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia) in high risk women: vitamin E 400 IU with vitamin C 1000 mg daily. , Girling, A. , and Klag, M. F. , and Altundag, K. Groenbaek, K. Li, S. , and Dysken, M. The effect of dietary supplementation with vitamins A, C and E on cell-mediated immune function in elderly long-stay patients: a randomized controlled trial. An eye disease in newborns called retinopathy of prematurity. H. , Quinn, R. Vitamin E is POSSIBLY UNSAFE if taken by mouth in high doses. View abstract. For fibrosis caused by radiation: vitamin E 1000 IU daily in combination with pentoxifylline 800 mg. , and Teppo, L. , and Marcellini, M. L. , and Lang, A. , Sugiyama, S. , and Perlman, D. , Davies, S. , Ahotupa, M. Vajro, P. Vitamin E in intermittent claudication. View abstract. View abstract. J. H. , Ciampalini, P. , Taylor, P. , McQueen, M. Gabbay, E. View abstract. , Barrett, M. , Blum, S. , and Levy, A. , Sasaki, S. Phelps, D. K. VITAMIN E Dosing The following doses have been studied in scientific research: BY MOUTH: For vitamin E deficiency: a typical dose in adults is RRR-alpha tocopherol (natural vitamin E) 60-75 IU per day. , Lang, A. Supplementation with selenium, vitamin E and their combination in gynaecological cancer during cytotoxic chemotherapy. , Favier, A. A. , Stahelin, H. Research on the effects of vitamin E on prostate cancer risk has been inconsistent. , Larzul, C. , Chang, W. Nomura, A. N. The use of intramuscular vitamin E in the premature infant. , Fritsch, T. , McBee, W. Stroke: Vitamin E might increase the risk for death in people with a history of stroke. W. Postintervention effect of alpha tocopherol and beta carotene on different strokes: a 6-year follow-up of the Alpha Tocopherol, Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study. View abstract. Systematic review: generating evidence-based guidelines on the concurrent use of dietary antioxidants and chemotherapy or radiotherapy. K. , Albanes, D. B. Sharma, A. W. Is oxidative stress causally linked to unstable angina pectoris. , Piemonte, F. , Simony-Lafontaine, J. Hofstad, B. , Zhu, Y. , Comstock, G. Applying vitamin E to the skin seems to clear up skin sores called granuloma annulare. , Seghieri, G. K. Lohr, J. , Quraishi, S. Nobili, V. Schober, S. , Colditz, G. Schiller MS, Rudolph M Kim MH Thangavel M Rivera LM Kassner EG. A. M. and Kaplan-Machlis, B. View abstract. Piermarocchi, S. , Simonato, L. , Gandini, S. S. Vitamin E and neonatal hemolysis. , Lahteenmaki, P. , Hino, K. , Bauer, T. F. R. , Gey, K. B. Management of chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathies with daily vitamin E. Gross, S. , Albanes, D. , Pietinen, P. Allergic contact dermatitis from tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E) and retinol palmitate (vitamin A) in a moisturizing cream. , Ujeyl, A. , Pienkowski, M. K. , Mhatre, M. View abstract. K. McNeil, J. , and Logan, R. , Niaz, M. , Ruiz-Galiana, J. View abstract. Synergic use of aspirin, fish oil and vitamins C and E for the prevention of preeclampsia. M. Wilson, T. Murakami, Y. Get Started Resources Second Opinion Read expert perspectives on popular health topics Message Boards Connect with people like you, and get expert guidance on living a healthy life Insurance Guide Get ready for changes to your health care coverage Physician Directory Find a doctor in your area Pain Coach Track your pain levels, triggers, and treatments. , Jarvisalo, J. , Sherzai, A. R. , Gori, R. , and Hamman, R. , Marshall, J. , McLaren-Howard, J. , Rakhshani, N. , Avanzini, F. P. , Olson, S. Keenoy, Vinckx, M. W. , Viinikka, L. View abstract. , Rowe, M. P. View abstract. , Ju, W. , Dawsey, S. Lazzeroni, M. , Shoulson, I. Research suggests that men who consume vitamin E and vitamin C have a decreased risk of developing several forms dementia. View abstract. K. The majority of research suggests that taking vitamin E, alone or along with other antioxidants, is not effective for preventing or treating age-related vision loss. Nojiri, S. , Popiela, T. RATCLIFFE, A. , Virtanen, M. , Koo, B. A case-control study of diet and invasive cervical cancer. , Ma, A. Taking vitamin E does not reduce the risk of death in people with liver disease. Second Opinion Read expert perspectives on popular health topics. Prostate cancer: There is concern that taking vitamin E might increase the chance of developing prostate cancer. , Capuano, G. , Touvier, M. Jun, M. J. , Rao, G. , Gadal, S. , and Pares, A. Effect of vitamin E and beta carotene on the incidence of angina pectoris. Gao, J. Cancer. , and Pujol, H. , Wahrendorf, J. See what your medical symptoms could mean, and learn about possible conditions. , Simonsen, N. J. , and Faivre, J. , Seed, P. However, it is too soon to know if this is an important concern. View abstract. , Henderson, R. K. View abstract. , and Ali, T. View abstract. , and Migliaro, F. , Virtamo, J. Tocopherol efficacy and safety for preventing retinopathy of prematurity: a randomized, controlled, double-masked trial. , Li, L. , and Stampfer, M. Cytokines and NASH: a pilot study of the effects of lifestyle modification and vitamin E. , Igbokwe, O. S. There is some concern that vitamin E might increase the chance of having a serious stroke called hemorrhagic stroke, which is bleeding into the brain. , and Brookmeyer, R. , Korhonen, P. Taking vitamin E (tocopheryl succinate polyethylene glycol) might reduce the dose of immunosuppressant needed after a liver transplant. , Helzlsouer, K. , and Waugh, N. Medications used for lowering cholesterol (Statins) interacts with VITAMIN E Taking vitamin E, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and selenium together might decrease the effectiveness of some medications used for lowering cholesterol. However, most products are still labeled in International Units (IUs). , Polidori, M. This Breathing Technique Helps Alleviate Depression in Just One Session. K. Almond consumption improved glycemic control and lipid profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. View abstract. A. Vitamin E supplements are used as part of the treatment for ataxia. Vitamin E and neonatal bilirubinemia. , Eardley, I. Vitamin E is an important vitamin required for the proper function of many organs in the body. Merat, S. , Gayton, E. E. , Boschi, G. Gross, S. View abstract. Be sure to have your blood checked regularly. , Kesse-Guyot, E. Applying vitamin E to the skin together with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) seems to be effective for treating leakage of chemotherapy into surrounding tissues. Moorman, P. , and Vallejo, C. , McClendon, M. M. Stahelin, H. , Jaceldo-Siegl, K. Survival in Parkinson disease: thirteen-year follow-up of the DATATOP cohort. , Rennie-Tankersley, L. Some research shows that taking vitamin E by mouth, alone or together with selenium, might benefit people with an inherited disorder called G6PD deficiency. , Terao, J. Rigalleau, V. , WILSON, G. A. Antioxidant drugs combined with alpha-interferon in chronic hepatitis C not responsive to alpha-interferon alone: a randomized, multicentre study. Risk of colorectal cancer from alcohol consumption at lower vitamin intakes. Alterations in plasma vitamin E distribution in type 2 diabetic patients with elevated plasma phospholipid transfer protein activity. P. F. E. Get Started Drug News Vitamin B12 May Not Help Some Seniors Do Supplements Give Athletes an Edge. Yu, S. , Hemal, A. , Imaizumi, T. For G6PD deficiency: vitamin E 800 IU daily. , McCarty, C. Pike, J. G. , Lojkowska, W. , Hara, Y. , Akhter, S. J. A. View abstract. , and Lau, J. , Akgul, S. A. Our pill identification tool will display pictures that you can compare to your pill. Haptoglobin genotype and cardiovascular outcomes in diabetes mellitus - natural history of the disease and the effect of vitamin E treatment. , Mandato, C. , Fazzini, A. , Larsen, S. , Hansen, M. , Oakes, D. View abstract. , Bednarska-Makaruk, M. Shyangdan, D. Taylor, P. Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when given intravenously (by IV) to premature infants in high doses. Mas, E. , Lonn, E. The effect of vitamin E supplementation on cardiovascular risk in diabetic individuals with different haptoglobin phenotypes. M. , Marks, M. , and Wespes, E. , Sangwatanaroj, S. J. Sundstrom, H. , and Penar, A. Antioxidants and cancers of the esophagus and gastric cardia. M. View abstract. Taking vitamin E along with these other vitamins might decrease the good cholesterol. Sieja, K. A. J. , and Osnes, M. , Zigmond, E. I. Taking vitamin E by mouth together with evening primrose oil, thyme oil, and fish oils seems to improve movement disorders in children with dyspraxia. , Sartorelli, M. Prevention of esophageal cancer: the nutrition intervention trials in Linxian, China. , and Vina, J. , Yu, W. , Blanco, I. Whelan, A. View abstract. J. , Grenier, J. Randomised double-blind intervention study in high-risk population of China. M. , Ruol, A. , Hemed, N. , Cooper, K. , and Loeb, M. How to Treat Childhood Skin Problems Pregnancy App The big day is coming. Surgery: Vitamin E might increase the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. , Buring, J. , Heinonen, O. Lee, C. Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Japan. , Aromaa, A. Wright, M. There is some concern that antioxidants might decrease the effectiveness of some medications used for cancers. , Druesne-Pecollo, N. Y. Jaakkola, K. , and Galan, P. , Diaz-Rubio, E. P. Nobili, V. View abstract. Effect of vitamin E supplementation on natural killer cell activity in patients with solid tumors. Prospective study of tocopherol prophylaxis for anthracycline cardiac toxicity. View abstract. New Schizophrenia Drug Approved FDA: New, Stronger Warning for NSAIDs New Drug Approved for Heart Failure Mobile Drug Information App Drug, supplement, and vitamin information on the go. , Ritchie, K. Sieswerda, E. The effects of vitamin C and vitamin E on oxidative DNA damage: results from a randomized controlled trial. N. Serum antioxidants and myocardial infarction. , and Stahl, W. Levy, A. Effect of vitamin and trace element supplementation on immune indices in healthy elderly. R. Until more is known, do not take vitamin E supplements during early pregnancy without talking with your healthcare provider. C. View abstract. L. View abstract. V. , Rider, A. M. , Barbe, M. , Willett, W. , Saintot, M. For preventing nerve damage caused by cisplatin: vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 300 mg daily with each chemotherapy treatment and for up to 3 months after stopping cisplatin therapy. Are low levels of carotenoids and alpha-tocopherol risk factors for myocardial infarction. S. J. , Virtanen, M. , Giovannucci, E. View abstract. , Elton, R. , and Pietinen, P. Plasma retinol and alpha-tocopherol concentrations in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: their relationship to microvascular complications. View abstract. , Lenner, P. , and Takahashi, S. Medical interventions for treating anthracycline-induced symptomatic and asymptomatic cardiotoxicity during and after treatment for childhood cancer. Effect of alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and beta-carotene supplementation on the incidence of intermittent claudication in male smokers. L. , Lee, J. Taylor, H. , Kim, S. S. The genetic movement disorder called ataxia causes severe vitamin E deficiency. , Lagergren, J. K. , Shriver, J. , Gonzalez Larriba, J. , and Bajpai, H. Poulter, J. An investigation of the relationship between free radical activity and vitamin C metabolism in elderly diabetic subjects with retinopathy. Song, Y. F. C. People with head and neck cancer should avoid daily vitamin E supplements in doses over 400 IU daily. I. View abstract. Geldmacher, D. Maraini, G. , Branley, P. , Rosina, F. , Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B. Taking 200 IU of vitamin E by mouth for more than 10 years seems to help prevent death from bladder cancer. Some research suggests that taking large amounts of a multivitamin plus a separate vitamin E supplement might actually increase the chance of developing prostate cancer in some men. , Virtamo, J. , Okuda, M. , Proctor, P. Tornwall, M. , Rattanapruks, S. The maximum amounts of vitamin E that are considered safe for children are based on age. , Caputo, T. , Ganzinger, U. Vitamin E supplementation enhances hemoglobin and erythropoietin levels in mildly anemic adults. , Aguirre, A. Cataracts. , De Giorgio, L. Misirlioglu, C. View abstract. , Riggs, D. Taking vitamin E supplements does not seem to be effective for treating benign breast disease. Alpha-tocopherol in tardive dyskinesia. Is antioxidant and n-3 supplementation able to improve functional status in poststroke patients. , Mendilaharsu, M. , Wolk, A. Hak, A. View abstract. Some research shows that taking vitamin E in doses of 300-800 IU each day might increase the chance of this kind of stroke by 22%. , Marrie, T. , Manco, M. , Taylor, P. Taking vitamin E by mouth seems to be effective for treating bleeding in the skull in premature infants. V. Perez, L. , Sies, H. , Moesgaard, S. , and McNeil, J. , Kunitsugu, I. , Bunger, L. View abstract. Research shows that taking vitamin E with the drug penicillamine does not slow the progression of the muscle disease called Duchene muscular dystrophy. , Steindorf, K. , Cortinovis, I. J. , and Mahlberg, K. , Bhatia, R. Harrison, S. , Gulati, O. G. , and Kakkar, V. , and Doeschl-Wilson, A. , and Franceschi, S. , Lohr, M. Warfarin (Coumadin) interacts with VITAMIN E Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. , Roncaglioni, M. , and Ferrigno, L. , Seed, P. Ryglewicz, D. A. C. , Zoungas, S. Taking vitamin E by mouth, alone or as a multivitamin, does not appear to decrease the risk of respiratory tract infections or the severity of symptoms once an infection develops. , and Liang, H. , Kitase, A. , and Brookmeyer, R. B. , Moncada, I. , Jurgens, T. , Bergstrom, R. , Li, Y. Respiratory outcomes in early childhood following antenatal vitamin C and E supplementation. , Moser, U. , Graban, A. Scarring. M. View abstract. There has been some concern that taking vitamin E supplements might be harmful to the fetus when taken in early pregnancy. E. , Sanri, E. H. Some research shows that applying vitamin E to the skin does not reduce scarring after surgery. Serum micronutrients and upper aerodigestive tract cancer. View clinical references for this vitamin or supplement. Martin-Jimenez, M. B. Early research suggests that taking vitamin E can improve kidney function in children with a kidney disease called IgA nephropathy. L. , and Hensley, K. Jedrychowski, W. Hayes, K. J. Radosavac, D. , Hiramoto, M. Shahar, E. Kumagai, Y. Takamatsu, S. D. , and Chen, H. Growth and recurrence of colorectal polyps: a double-blind 3-year intervention with calcium and antioxidants. , Stephens, N. View abstract. , Vertommen, J. Mortality in the CHAOS trial. , Segala, C. N. Isaac, M. , Mignone, L. C. , Cassader, M. Insulin sensitisers in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review. E. K. , Friis, H. , and Rastogi, S. People with a history of heart attack should avoid high doses of vitamin E. View abstract. , Bors, W. Malila, N. , Lindholm, A. Sunburn. , and Spengler, U. T. Primary prevention of cardiovascular events with low-dose aspirin and vitamin E in type 2 diabetic patients: results of the Primary Prevention Project (PPP) trial. , and White, J. , Luostarinen, T. , Horvath, A. View abstract. W. , Lipworth, L. , Marsano, L. , Yang, P. However, much lower amounts (3 IU) do not seem to produce this effect. View abstract. Kontush, A. It is also used to reduce unwanted side effects of drugs such as hair loss in people taking doxorubicin and lung damage in people taking amiodarone. , Squires, H. , Sperduto, R. , Sotoudeh, M. , and Albanes, D. , Macchiavelli, M. However, it does not seem to help people with more advanced disease. B. , Steigleider, P. , Clemons, T. B. Plasma status of retinol, alpha- and gamma-tocopherols, and main carotenoids to first myocardial infarction: case control and follow-up study. Taking vitamin E by mouth seems to reduce anxiety, craving, and depression in some women with PMS. For preventing sunburn: RRR-alpha-tocopherol (natural vitamin E) 1000 IU in combination with 2 grams of ascorbic acid. View abstract. McGinness, J. M. Yaffe, K. The effect of antioxidant supplementation on hepatitis C viral load, transaminases and oxidative status: a randomized trial among chronic hepatitis C virus-infected patients. Research shows that people with diabetes who take vitamin E (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) by mouth do not have a reduce risk of developing mouth or pharyngeal cancer. , McNeil, J. Hasegawa, T. W. , Maurer, G. , McCarty, C. , and Johansson, B. , Tanner, C. W. , Hakulinen, T. However, this combination does not reduce swelling. View abstract. , Di, Felice M. , Grossie, B. , Tognoni, G. A. and Plakogiannis, R. , Tikellis, G. Lipoperoxides as an index of free radical activity in bone marrow transplant recipients. , Cook, N. , Torgerson, S. However, other research suggests that taking vitamin E daily for 18 months reduces symptoms of intermittent claudication. L. , Gujral, A. For healing the eyes after a surgery called keratectomy: 230 mg vitamin E (alpha-tocopheryl nicotinate) and vitamin A (retinol palmitate) 25,000 units have been used 3 times daily for 30 days, followed by twice daily for 2 months. View abstract. , and Blot, W. D. View abstract. Most people do not experience any side effects when taking the recommended daily dose, which is 15 mg. , Jatuporn, S. , Sohrabpour, A. The American Heart Association recommends obtaining antioxidants, including vitamin E, by eating a well- balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains rather than from supplements until more is known about the risks and benefits of taking supplements. Swain, R. View abstract. View abstract. However, other evidence suggests that vitamin E might help reduce the risk of developing cataracts. View abstract. , Haukka, J. , Leake, R. , Fikrle, A. Lehtinen, M. Rimm, E. Subscribe to our health e-newsletter and receive a FREE copy of the Coconut Oil Cures e-book. , Kamposioras, K. P. , and Shennan, A. , and Greiner, J. , and Shimojo, N. , Thi Nhu, Ngoc N. , Garidou, A. , Lucariello, S. , Reboussin, B. G. Morris, D. , Persechino, S. Y. , Haukka, J. , Gignoux, M. , Kelly, F. View abstract. , Cooper, B. Lloret, A. , Fluri, M. A. Randomized controlled trial using vitamins E and D supplementation in atopic dermatitis. Vardi, M. Medications changed by the liver (Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) substrates) interacts with VITAMIN E Some medications are changed and broken down by the liver. O. View abstract. Furthermore, some research suggests that regularly taking high doses of vitamin E might increase the risk of death. , Caron, H. Taking vitamin E by mouth improves pregnancy rates for men with fertility problems. , Seppanen, K. , Malekzadeh, R. , and Chen, L. View abstract. H. Pham, D. , and Hakama, M. , Yoneda, M. , and Shanmugasundaram, K. , and Olmedilla, B. , Webster, A. Research suggests that increasing vitamin E intake in the diet is linked with improved physical performance and muscle strength in older people. A. , Rosel, F. E. Combination of physical activity, nutrition, or other metabolic factors and vaccine response. , Ferris, F. , and Naserimoghadam, S. Hatzimouratidis, K. , Krueger, P. E. , Heatley, R. Serum antioxidant vitamins and risk of lung and stomach cancers in Shenyang, China. C. Rahimi, R. Pioglitazone and vitamin E for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: a cost utility analysis. , Saviano, S. P. Taking vitamin E does not seem to decrease pain or stiffness in people with osteoarthritis. , Satoh, K. Taking vitamin E by mouth seems to benefit children with the blood disorder called beta-thalessemia and vitamin E deficiency. P. L. , and Stampfer, M. Micronutrients (Other than iron) and Helicobacter pylori infection: a systematic review. , Levi, F. , Ascherio, A. , Landaw, S. , Lee, S. View abstract. Possibly Ineffective for: Age-related vision loss (age-related macular degeneration). , Alfthan, G. V. , Taskinen, E. People with a history of stroke should avoid high doses of vitamin E. , and Meier, B. J. W. , Maenpaa, P. L. , McDermott, M. , and Aoki, K. , and Pollack, S. Micronutrients and diabetic retinopathy a systematic review. , Taylor, P. Breast-feeding: Vitamin E is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in recommended daily amounts during breast-feeding. , Dziechciarz, P. Some research suggests that high doses might increase the chance of death and possibly cause other serious side effects. , Kunicki, P. , Decarli, A. , Dhawan, A.

, Udayachalerm, W. Vitamin E is also used for cataracts, asthma, respiratory infections, skin disorders, aging skin, sunburns, cystic fibrosis, infertility, impotence, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), peptic ulcers, for certain inherited diseases and to prevent allergies. , Rosmini, F. , Virtamo, J. , Begum, N. , and Mizuno, S. Junker, D. , Willett, W. The effect of vitamin E in men who currently have prostate cancer is not clear. J. P. , Bligh, E. High doses can also cause nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fatigue, weakness, headache, blurred vision, rash, and bruising and bleeding. , Salonen, R. View abstract. , and Dickerson, J. , Albanes, D. However, vitamin E alone does not provide the same benefit. E. , Badia, M. , Maatela, J. , and Subramanyam, G. A controlled trial of combination of methionine and antioxidants in ALS patients. , Gao, X. E. , Cheuk, D. D. , and Vessby, B. , Williams, M. Y. Taking vitamin E by mouth does not seem to reduce hot flashes in women who have had breast cancer. Penn, N. A. , Virtamo, J. L. , Kim, J. , Beauvieux, M. , Oh, S. , Hulstaert, C. , Saengsiri, A. , Powell, C. , Artero, S. M. , La, Vecchia C. Lenzhofer, R. , Martin-Pena, G. , Venturiero, V. , and Vos, J. , Rudolph, A. Intake of flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins C and E, and risk of stroke in male smokers. , Walter, S. and Sonsuz, A. View abstract. , McDermott, M. N. Gaziano JM, Manson JE Ridker PM Buring JE Hennekens CH. , Vajro, P. Kang, J. , Gerstein, H. P. E. Impact of Vitamin E supplementation on lipoprotein peroxidation and composition in Type 1 diabetic patients treated with Atorvastatin. View abstract. , Mauri, D. Stringer, M. Soares, K. Antioxidants in the chemoprevention of colorectal cancer and colorectal adenomas in the general population: a systematic review and meta-analysis. However, in theory, taking vitamin E supplements might worsen prostate cancer in men who already have it. , and Domenicotti, C. View abstract. , Mora, N. , and Hallmans, G. Taking vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) before and after treatment with cisplatin chemotherapy might reduce the risk of nerve damage. , Liu, J. , and BOYD, J. Niacin interacts with VITAMIN E Taking vitamin E along with beta-carotene, vitamin C, and selenium might decrease some of the beneficial effects of niacin. , Salkeld, R. F. Vlajinac H, Ilic M Sipetic S Marinkovic J Kocev N. Taking a combination of vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene, selenium, and zinc does not seem to lower overall cancer risk. , Aro, A. B. This latest trend in comfort food is being paired with everything from the ubiquitous avocado to hazelnut. S. Does oxidant stress play a role in diabetic retinopathy. Look, M. D. , and Krarup, H. , Yoshida, H. , Arlt, S. Vitamin E supplementation may transiently increase tuberculosis risk in males who smoke heavily and have high dietary vitamin C intake. Martinoli, L. E. , Jaarin, K. , Ye, W. and Morris, J. E. , Tzioras, S. E. Finer, N. View abstract. S. , Morris, J. , Mokuno, H. Tabet, N. , Abdullah, S. There is some evidence that taking vitamin E daily can help prevent nitrate tolerance. B. Kugelmas, M. J. Healing a type of skin sore called granuloma annulare. P. , Rogers, C. , and Abdollahi, M. For improving effectiveness of nitrates used for heart disease: vitamin E 200 mg three times daily. Taking all-rac-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic vitamin E) for up to 8 years does not reduce the risk of developing lung cancer in men who smoke. Villar, J. R. , Heim, L. Some medications changed by the liver include lovastatin (Mevacor), ketoconazole (Nizoral), itraconazole (Sporanox), fexofenadine (Allegra), triazolam (Halcion), and many others. , and Brown, M. And while peppermint and gingerbread tend to steal the limelight, we think the real star of the season. Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids plus vitamin E restore immunodeficiency and prolong survival for severely ill patients with generalized malignancy: a randomized control trial. , Prapunwattana, P. , Rosner, B. View abstract. R. Lamm, D. Mezey, E. , Bell, R. Taking high doses of vitamin E (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) by mouth together with vitamin C protects against skin inflammation after exposure to UV radiation. C. , and Thompson, P. Serum carotenoids and coronary heart disease. , Stemmermann, G. S. Taking vitamin E by mouth seems to be effective for treating bleeding within the ventricular system of the brain in premature infants. Download Living Healthy Featured Content Improve Your Concentration These Foods and Drinks Can Help Allergy App Fight allergies with daily forecasts, local alerts, and personalized tips. , Bonanni, B. View abstract. J. , Mascie-Taylor, B. L. , Naglie, G. M. , Hornykewycz, S. F. Taking vitamin E along with some medications that are broken down by the liver can decrease the effectiveness of some medications. High-dose alpha-tocopherol therapy does not affect HDL subfractions in patients with coronary artery disease on statin therapy. , Mohan, V. F. F. Malila, N. , Xu, Q. , Rochon, P. , and Pogue, J. , and Wyatt, R. Manzano, D. J. View abstract. View abstract. F. W. , Salmi, B. Mesquite—The Ancient Food You Need to Know About. , and Bailey, A. D. Relationship of serum selenium and antioxidants to plasma lipoproteins, platelet aggregability and prevalent ischaemic heart disease in Eastern Finnish men. , Wood, D. , and Hokanson, J. , Miller-Lotan, R. , and Huttunen, J. , Baillet-Blanco, L. , Park, S. Primary secondary and metanalysis of research. , Piemonte, F. L. M. Stop using vitamin E at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery. S. Sometimes vitamin E is used to lessen the harmful effects of medical treatments such as dialysis and radiation. Some people apply vitamin E to their skin to keep it from aging and to protect against the skin effects of chemicals used for cancer therapy ( chemotherapy ). K. , Tangrea, J. View abstract. , and Chiswick, M. Megadose vitamins in bladder cancer: a double-blind clinical trial. , Muller-Thomsen, T. , Ohgushi, Y. There is inconsistent evidence about the role of vitamin E in asthma. J. , Yu, C. Some early research suggests that taking vitamin E with vitamin C might benefit children with high cholesterol. , Latheef, S. , Alfthan, G. , Helsing, K. J. Vitamin E taken along with standard treatment is better than standard treatment alone for reducing pain in people with RA. B. D. Less than 200 mg daily is safe for children 1 to 3 years old. Moderate Interaction Be cautious with this combination Cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune) interacts with VITAMIN E Taking large amounts of vitamin E along with cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune) might increase how much cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune) the body absorbs. , Rushing, J. A. J. Most research shows that taking vitamin E (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol) for up to 7 years does not reduce the risk for mouth sores in men who smoke. Wang, H. , Hassoun, G. Vitamin E supplementation and cataract: randomized controlled trial. For premenstrual syndrome (PMS): RRR-alpha-tocopherol (natural vitamin E) 400 IU daily. Q. Dietary patterns, nutrient intake and gastric cancer in a high-risk area of Italy. , and Rauramaa, R. O. C. , Ciccimarra, E. R. , Birks, J. E. Pham, D. Vitamin E might increase the chance that cancer will return. , Bidoli, E. , Jr. F. , Kieburtz, K. Taking vitamin E for 2 days before and for 3 days after bleeding begins seems to decrease pain severity and duration, and reduce menstrual blood loss. , Nakanishi, M. , Teppo, L. , and Touchon, J. Premenstrual syndrome therapy. , Schatzkin, A. Effects of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplementation on gastric cancer incidence in male smokers (ATBC Study, Finland). , Eichholzer, M. View abstract. Sundarshan Kriya uses a set of natural rhythms of the breath to. , Albanes, D. , Okita, K. , Helsing, K. , Nagai, A. , Owen, R. , Lichtenstein, A. , Kelleher, J. But it is too soon to know if the interaction occurs. , Yamanushi, T. Vitamin E is used for treating vitamin E deficiency, which is rare, but can occur in people with certain genetic disorders and in very low-weight premature infants. View abstract. View abstract. , Astre, C. D. , Sohrabi, M. G. Okuda, M. , Pietinen, P. , Williams, S. Nomura, A. K. , Buess, E. Weitzman, S. , Briancon, S. , Albanes, D. Impact of current treatments on liver disease, glucose metabolism and cardiovascular risk in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. , Chen, C. Medications for cancer (Chemotherapy) interacts with VITAMIN E Vitamin E is an antioxidant. Sundstrom, H. , and Moser, K. , Manimekalai, S. View abstract. , Sinclair, M. , and Gin, H. , Preiss, D. , Tanner, C. Taking vitamin E by mouth seems to improve symptoms associated with the movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia. Less than 300 mg daily is safe for children 4 to 8 years old. , and Brubacher, G. R. , Russo, A. , and Iqbal, M. E. However, other research suggests that it might not reduce the risk of stroke. Antioxidant vitamins or lactulose as chemopreventive agents for colorectal cancer. , Kotsopoulos, D. View abstract. By increasing how much cyclosporine the body absorbs, vitamin E might increase the effects and side effects of cyclosporine (Neoral, Sandimmune). A. , and Decensi, A. , Dabla, S. Taking high doses of vitamin E together with vitamin C does not seem to provide the same benefits. Yu, S. Effect of intramuscular vitamin E on frequency and severity of retrolental fibroplasia. J. , Glogar, D. Vitamin E might be beneficial for people with diabetes. Observational studies on the effect of dietary antioxidants on asthma: a meta-analysis. , Toikka, T. , and Gattaz, W. B. , Comstock, G. Sometimes you just need a crunchy, salty snack. If you have this condition, it is best to avoid vitamin E. and Gross, S. , Purkins, L. Enter the shape, color, or imprint of your prescription or OTC drug. However, there is limited evidence that consuming more vitamin E from the diet might slow the progression of stomach cancer. , Cristol, J. , Bloom-Hansen, J. Lipid peroxides and atherosclerosis. , and Albanes, D. Current guidelines show recommended dietary allowance (RDA) and upper tolerable limits (UTL) for vitamin E in milligrams. However, taking vitamin E supplements does not have the same benefit. , Finn, M. J. Taking vitamin E by mouth is effective for preventing and treating vitamin E deficiency. , Tappenden, P. , and Oski, F. R. , and Okita, M. , Purwar, M. Wald, N. , Gray, L. , Portet, F. , Di, Ciommo, V, Comparcola, D. Diabetes. Molenaar, I. Before taking vitamin E talk to your healthcare provider if you are taking any medications that are changed by the liver. , Panozzo, G. Although having higher blood levels of vitamin E might be linked with a reduced risk of breast cancer, increasing vitamin E intake from the diet or supplements does not reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Taking high doses of vitamin A along with vitamin E (alpha-tocopheryl nicotinate) daily seems to improve healing and vision in people undergoing laser eye surgery. , Pronzato, M. View abstract. , and Adams, C. , Devito, R. , Schuep, W. , Lindgren, A. London, R. If you have a bleeding disorder, avoid taking vitamin E supplements. A. T. , Parisi, V. High-dose alpha-tocopherol as a preventive of doxorubicin-induced alopecia. K. View abstract. Intake of selected micronutrients and the risk of breast cancer. C. , White, W. , and Adler, A. , Hamajima, N. , Rosenbaum, A. Papaioannou, D. View abstract. Prospective study of alcohol consumption and risk of coronary disease in men. , and Terano, A. Most evidence suggests that taking a combination of vitamins E and C does not reduce the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy. Mayer-Davis, E. Lifestyle intervention and antioxidant therapy in children with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized, controlled trial. , Parsons, A. Vatassery, G. T. View abstract. Some evidence suggests that taking vitamin E (RR-alpha-tocopherol) daily does not reduce the risk of developing skin cancer. Glass GV. , Gennari, A. Effect of dose schedule of vitamin E and hydroxethylruticide on intestinal toxicity induced by adriamycin. View abstract. , and Lindblad, A. , Iwama, Y. Hercberg, S. , Ferris, F. View abstract. Efficacy of vitamin and antioxidant supplements in prevention of cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. , Manco, M. A. , and Sourander, L. Taking vitamin E (all-rac-alpha-tocopherol) by mouth does not appear to slow vision loss, and might actually increase vision loss, in people with a condition called retinitis pigmentosa. To reduce protein in the urine of children with a kidney disease called focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: vitamin E 200 IU. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells. Alpha-tocopherol in the treatment of tardive dyskinesia. , Kaufman, S. Vitamin E is also used for treating diabetes and its complications. Serum selenium and glutathione peroxidase, and plasma lipid peroxides in uterine, ovarian or vulvar cancer, and their responses to antioxidants in patients with ovarian cancer. Some research suggests that consuming more vitamin E in the diet seems to prevent asthma. However, taking vitamin E alone does not seem to be effective. Willems, D. , and Tangkijvanich, P. , and Kauppila, A. D. View abstract. C. , Multari, M. Vitamin E and C supplementation prevents decrease of eicosapentaenoic acid in mononuclear cells in chronic hepatitis C patients during combination therapy of interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin. , Mandelson, M. , Yang, C. , Gardeazabal, J. Sinclair, A. Graeber, J. , Graf, P. S. , Goldar, D. View abstract. W. H. , and Dufrasne, D. , Weinstein, S. View abstract. , Negri, E. , and Landreth, G. , Andersen, S. J. , and Diaz Perez, J. , Hill, D. B. S. , Rach, J. , Tikellis, G. , Rezaie, A. For the movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia: RRR-alpha-tocopherol (natural vitamin E) 1600 IU daily. Franceschi, S. , Lee, J. Research suggests that higher intake of vitamin E in the diet might reduce the risk of infection in children undergoing chemotherapy. , Ferdousi, S. , Dorchy, H. , Korhonen, P. Less than 600 mg daily is safe for children 9 to 13 years old. , Alladin, K. Kostner, K. Riemersma, R. E. P. , Baron, J. , Campos, H. , Jeste, D. Taking vitamin E by mouth seems to be effective for treating an eye disease cause retinopathy of prematurity in newborns. , and Craft, N. Serum alpha-tocopherol and subsequent risk of lung cancer among male smokers. View abstract. , Murrell, J. Plant-Based Wellness All 5-Minutes-Or-Less Health Tips Breaking News Fact or Myth More. A. F. , Robman, L. Taking vitamin E plus beta-carotene or vitamin C and beta-carotene does not seem to prevent stomach cancer. , and Szajewska, H. , Hanioka, T. , and Craft, N. Marras, C. , Franzese, A. View abstract. , Alonso, M. , Ghouri, N. Less than 800 mg daily is safe for children ages 14 to 18 years old. , and Hobara, T. , Hishida, H. View abstract. C. , Virtamo, J. , Parviainen, M. , Anichini, R. B. , Koskela, P. , Grant, G. Papila C, Papila I Bilir M Cagatay T Yanardag H et al. R. H. , Kochar, D. J. View abstract. , Kawakami, T. , Pronczuk, A. W. , Rider, A. Rema, M. S. , Shiel, L. Selenium and vitamin E concentrations in plasma and erythrocytes of angina pectoris patients. F. View abstract. and Flemmer, M. , Wolfe, R. , Hsieh, C. There is some evidence that all-rac-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic vitamin E) might help prevent stroke in male smokers who have high blood pressure and diabetes. Dementia. , and Folkers, K. Pilot clinical trial of the use of alpha-tocopherol for the prevention of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with liver cirrhosis. H. , Flanagan, D. , Puska, P. HAMILTON, M. Early evidence suggests that taking vitamin E with aged garlic extract and vitamin C might be useful for sickle cell anemia. Terry, P. , and Grodstein, F. Taking vitamin E along with warfarin (Coumadin) can increase the chances of bruising and bleeding. , and Paolucci, S. Serum magnesium: an early predictor of course and complications of diabetes mellitus. View abstract. A. , Virtamo, J. Women use vitamin E for preventing complications in late pregnancy due to high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), painful periods, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes associated with breast cancer, and breast cysts. , Ushio, F. J. Gerber, M. , Scognamiglio, U. Overall, research suggests that taking vitamin E supplements does not reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer, and might actually increase the risk. K. There is contradictory information about the effect of vitamin E on the chance of developing prostate cancer. , Nakamura, K. Ursodeoxycholic acid for treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: results of a randomized trial. There is some concern that taking vitamin E might actually increase the risk of tumor recurrence. , and Kothari, R. , Albanes, D. Tosukhowong, P. , Sudhop, T. , Hill, G. , Holmberg, L. F. View abstract. , Han, X. , Rameis, H. J. , Korpela, H. , Sun, Y. , Chu, J. View abstract. , Korhonen, P. N. A. , and Sangro, B. W. , Gaziano, J. , Ziegler, R. Fleischauer, A. Socha, P. The alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene lung cancer prevention study: design, methods, participant characteristics, and compliance. Greenough, A. View abstract. H. , Ju, W. G. View abstract. J. P. , and Adami, H. For the last decade, at least, diet experts have touted some iteration of a low-carb diet as the most effective means of dropping unwanted pounds. Vitamin supplement use and breast cancer in a North Carolina population. , and Belfield, P. , Lawson, K. , and Decarli, A. Marras, C. , Mae, K. , Reynolds, M. C. , and Fahn, S. Rapola, J. , Suzuki, K. Impact of antioxidants, zinc, and copper on cognition in the elderly: a randomized, controlled trial. , Beulens, J. , and McGrath, B. For painful menstrual periods: vitamin E 200 IU twice or 500 IU daily starting 2 days before the menstrual period and continuing through the first 3 days of bleeding. , Fraser, A. , and Peters, K. J. , and Barnett, A. Serum micronutrients and prostate cancer in Japanese Americans in Hawaii. , Bogle, S. R. , Rabinovich, M. , Clemons, T. , Signorello, L. , Comstock, G. T. , Chew, E. Retinol, vitamins A, C, and E and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis and meta-regression. , Ring-Larsen, H. View abstract. View abstract. J. Tissue damage after a blood clot (ischemic reperfusion injury). View abstract. Some medications used for lowering cholesterol include atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol), lovastatin (Mevacor), and pravastatin (Pravachol). Musso, G. Torun, M. P. Myung, S. The Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial and Follow-up Study. , De, Greeff A. S. J. View abstract. , Tykka, H. Taking vitamin E and selenium by mouth does not slow the progression of an inherited muscle disorder called myotonic dystrophy. Law, M. B. , Li, J. , and Ludin, E. , Scarpa, G. Ruiz, Rejon F. , Razavian, M. However, there is some early evidence that taking vitamin E and vitamin C might help prevent the progression of atherosclerosis in men. , and Gueret-Wardle, D. , Aeschbacher, B. , Moorthy, D. Protective role of selenium against the toxicity of multi-drug chemotherapy in patients with ovarian cancer. Tohgi, H. , Anthony, J. There is some evidence that taking vitamin E by mouth might improve kidney function in children with glomerulosclerosis. However, some evidence suggests that increasing vitamin E intake in the diet might be beneficial. A case-control study of diet and prostate cancer. , Vardi, Y. , Schindler, R. , and Naylor, H. Low levels of vitamin K (vitamin K deficiency): Vitamin E might worsen clotting problems in people whose levels of vitamin K are too low. J. , Shennan, A. W. The science behind vitamins and natural compounds for breast cancer prevention. Poston, L. K. Get Started My Medicine Save your medicine, check interactions, sign up for FDA alerts, create family profiles and more. , Zavaleta, N. R. View abstract. , Kucukplakci, B. For rheumatoid arthritis pain: vitamin E 600 IU twice daily. , Neunteufl, T. H. Association of hypomagnesemia with diabetic retinopathy. , Shaheen, S. , and Gambino, R. View abstract. , Romero, A. , Thompson, S. , Vuilleumier, J. P. , and McClain, C. W. , Sauerbruch, T. , and Stossel, T. View abstract. View abstract. Mahady, S. A. Taking vitamin E, alone or together with other antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin C, does not seem to reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer. , Scali, J. View abstract. , Cadet, J. , and Taylor, H. , Gorog, P. , Robman, L. View abstract. Serum antioxidant status and oxidized LDL in well-controlled young type 1 diabetic patients with and without subclinical complications. These vitamins seem to interfere with proper healing. , Moiz, B. T. , Vivian, B. G. Research suggests that taking vitamin E, alone or along with selenium, does not improve symptoms of eczema. Menkes, M. L. G. , Rodo, M. T. M. , and Davis, C. Taking vitamin E by mouth does not seem to lower blood pressure in people already taking blood pressure medications. , Park, Y. Effects of vitamins C and E on oxidative stress markers and endothelial function in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a double blind, placebo controlled pilot study. , and Casazza, G. , Virtamo, J. , Rastogi, S. , Srinivasa Rao, P. B. S. C. The role of oxidative stress in diabetic retinopathy. Combined vitamin C and E supplementation during pregnancy for preeclampsia prevention: a systematic review. , Hamato, F. , Pye, Q. View abstract. Taking Medications During Pregnancy Pill Identifier Having trouble identifying your pills. , Raiha, I. View abstract. , Kritchevsky, S. The treatment of intermittent claudication with vitamin E. Hirvonen, T. Taking vitamin E by mouth might have some effect on the functioning of blood vessels, but does not appear to reduce chest pain. E. A. View abstract. , and George, J. , Benjamin, R. , Isenberg, S. K. , Sajanti, E. Bleeding within the ventricular system of the brain. View abstract. View abstract. , Tsappi, M. , and Harlap, S. Diet and risk of esophageal cancer by histologic type in a low-risk population. H. , and Buggage, R. Huang, H. , and Newman, B. C. Melhorn, D. , Pi, J. , and La, Vecchia C. , Milan, C. , Boffetta, P. , Pappo, O. Perez, J. , Argellati, F. , Talamini, R. View abstract. Mitchinson, M. , Toner, N. E. , Clar, C. , Deneo-Pellegrini, H. J. , Edwards, B. Vitamin E and the ductus arteriosus (DA) in premature infants. , and Wehr, H. , Giuliano, F. Magliano, D. Most research suggests that taking vitamin E supplements does not prevent heart disease. , and DeHaven, J. Angioplasty, a heart procedure: Avoid taking supplements containing vitamin E or other antioxidant vitamins (beta-carotene, vitamin C) immediately before and following angioplasty without the supervision of a health care professional. , Hursting, S. Clinical practice with anti-dementia drugs: a revised (second) consensus statement from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. , Pallardo, F. View abstract. , Salonia, A. , Li, W. , and Chen, C. H. , Zhu, Y. , and Nicolucci, A. P. , Lunec, J. , Aaran, R. , Granado, F. The higher the dose, the greater the risk of serious side effects. , Hayashi, P. , Vatn, M. Rivas-Echeverria CA, Echeverria Y Molina L Novoa D. Taking vitamin E daily seems to improve symptoms of NASH in adults and children. , Merialdi, M. , Carey, R. , and Lo, Giudice G. , Ward, J. Gey, K. , Davis, M. View abstract. Singh, R. A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled clinical trial of multivitamin supplementation for age-related lens opacities. , Cairella, G. , Schofield, P. , and Ueki, T. The Superstar Catechin That Balances Your Blood Sugar. and Chandra, R. , Kantola, M. J. , van Dalen, E. , Nikfar, S. , Agrawal, R. , Pettus, J. Hance, K. A. , Boyle, P. A. , Mann, U. , and Oliver, M. Effects on health of dietary supplementation with 100 mg d-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, daily for 6 years. View abstract. E. View abstract. For improving male fertility: vitamin E 200-600 IU daily. , Bando, N. , Ma, J. , Agrawal, J. , Nilsson, B. , Terlouw, C. , Tedeschi, M. , Venkataraman, V. Hunnisett, A. E. , and Perkovic, V. , Chyou, P. , and Poston, L. , Dillner, J. Sacco, M. , Carroll, C. , Ishii, J. Lack of an association between serum vitamin E and myocardial infarction in a population with high vitamin E levels. M. , and Appel, L. , Ciuti, M. , Zabrecky, G. , Srimahachota, S. View abstract. , Dupuy, A. , Datta, S. S. A. Ohrvall, M. Most evidence suggests that taking vitamin E does not prevent the occurrence of colorectal cancer or the development of non-cancerous colorectal tumors, which are considered precursors to colon cancer. View abstract. View abstract. , Hollenbeck, A. , and Beisiegel, U. , Latino-Martel, P. , Gravett, P. , Begum, S. T. , and Kauppila, A. , Takamatsu, M. By how much does fruit and vegetable consumption reduce the risk of ischaemic heart disease. , and Goldstein, P. , Briley, A. , Barjatya, H. Hatwal, A. , Ratner, R. View abstract. , and Kim, H. The dose of your warfarin (Coumadin) might need to be changed. W. Myung, S. , and Sargin, H. A Traditional African Diet May Protect Against Colon Cancer. Swelling in the middle layer of the eye (uveitis). , Youngman, L. View abstract. S. , and Leborgne, F. Marik, P. , and Angulo, P. View abstract. C. K. Also, taking vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) for up to 10 years does not prevent lung cancer or reduce the risk of death from lung cancer. , Densem, J. , Day, N. , and Ilan, Y. Nussenblatt, R. A. Vitamin E is sometimes used for improving physical endurance, increasing energy, reducing muscle damage after exercise, and improving muscle strength. L. Taking vitamin E with vitamin C by mouth seems to improve vision, but does not reduce swelling, in people with uveitis. , Devito, R. M. , and Tabet, N. , Talamini, R. Jilani, T. Antioxidant therapy for chronic hepatitis C after failure of interferon: results of phase II randomized, double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial. Verreault, R. , Daida, H. Taking all-rac-alpha-tocopherol (synthetic vitamin E) alone or together with beta-carotene by mouth does not appear to improve poor blood flow in the legs. Early evidence suggests that vitamin E might reduce nighttime leg cramps. Gey, K. R. Polyzos, N. , Sundlof, G. A. , Salkeld, R. View abstract. Research suggests that taking vitamin E daily or every other day for up to 10 years does not reduce the risk of death from any cause. View abstract. , Laakso, J. , Anttila, T. Lahner, E. Palli, D. Vitamin E supplementation reduces frequency of periventricular haemorrhage in very preterm babies. Hide Names Review this Treatment 45 User Reviews See Brand Products Check Interactions VITAMIN E Overview Information Vitamin E is a vitamin that dissolves in fat. , Freeman, A. View abstract. Heart attack: Vitamin E might increase the risk for death in people with a history of heart attack. , Stender, M. , Postma, A. Abnormal breakdown of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia). Sklodowska M, Wasowicz W Gromadzinska J Miroslaw W Strzelczyk M Malczyk J Goch JK. Hansson, L. J. , and Mirzazadeh, M. Haflah, N. Knekt, P. A. View abstract. Taking vitamin E by mouth with vitamin C and conventional medication two days before bypass surgery and one day after surgery appears to reduce complications. , Macintyre, C. Trikalinos, T. Difficulty walking due to poor blood flow in the legs (intermittent claudication). View abstract. , Rooke, J.

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